Ancestry Library
Enjoy free access to the Ancestry Library archive! This resource is available when connected to the library's wifi or while using one of our public computers.
Business Source Premier
Full text for more than 2,300 journals, including 1,100 peer-reviewed titles. Full text back to 1886, and searchable cited references back to 1998. Disciplines include marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics.
College Admissions Test Preparation
Use this resource to prepare for college entrance exams, strengthen your essay writing skills, and more!
ERIC, the Education Resource Information Center, provides access to education literature and resources from journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index.
Explora Educator's Edition
Ensure student and educator success with EBSCO’s new interface for schools and public libraries.
Health Source: Consumer Edition
The richest collection of consumer health information available to libraries worldwide; topics include medical sciences, food sciences and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine and general health.
A consortium of nearly 300 Kentucky libraries and institutions, including colleges and universities, public libraries, K12 schools, hospitals, Dept. of Defense libraries, the Kentucky Dept.